We created Ostraemcasa.pt so that you can also enjoy our unmistakable oysters and other bivalves from the Portuguese coast, which we have selected for you, in your own home.
It is not only in oyster production that we take great care. Purification and transport are also ensured, meeting our quality requirements and complying with all hygiene and food safety rules. Thus, within a maximum of 24 hours after leaving the water (purification), you will receive your bivalves without any problems, at the location you request.
Ostraemcasa is a project from Ilha dos Puxadoiros, an island located in the ecological reserve of Salgado Aveirense, in Ria de Aveiro, where we produce, for you, with great care, the “Aveiro Premium Oysters”.
Buy what is ours, from our waters, knowing that you are buying a sustainable product, at the level of the best that is produced in the world.